Closing Regional Workshop for UN Development Account Project in Africa

The Closing Regional Workshop for the United Nations Development Account Project is organized by the United Nations Statistics Division (UNSD) in in collaboration with Kenya National Bureau of Statistics, UNECA, UN Environment and the World Bank. The project aims to enhance the capacity of National Statistical Offices of African countries in the implementation of the System of Environmental-Economic Accounting (SEEA). In view of the objectives of the project, the closing workshop will provide an opportunity for Kenya and Uganda, the project countries, to share their experiences on drafting of national plans for the implementation of the SEEA and the compilation of pilot accounts. Participants from the region will also be invited to share their experience and discuss lessons learnt on the SEEA implementation as well as how to best communicate and disseminate the pilot accounts to the relevant stakeholders, ensure uptake in policy decision making and how to scale up the implementation of the SEEA.


The workshop will be held in Nairobi, Kenya, at the Sarova Stanley hotel from 11 to 13 December 2017 and is by invitation only.




Documents for the meeting

Participant information note


List of participants



Session 1: Opening and overview of the project

Supporting Kenya and Uganda in developing and strengthening environmental-economic accounting for improved monitoring of sustainable development - UNSD

Session 2: National Plan for Advancing Environmental-Economic Accounting

National Plan in Kenya - KNBS

National Plan in Uganda - UBOS

National Plan in Mozambique - INE

Obtaining the stakeholder support for the implementation of the National Plan - GDSA

The SEEA and SDGs - UNSD

The SDG reporting process and connection to SEEA - UNEP

Session 3: Water accounting 

Water account in Uganda - UBOS

Water account in Botswana - Department of Water Affairs

Water account in Namibia - Ministry of Environment and Tourism

Water account in South Africa

Additional example: Statistics South Africa Compendium of Environmental Economic Accounts

A quick overview of water accounts - UNSD

Session 5: Energy accounting

Energy account in Kenya - KNBS

A quick overview of energy accounts - UNSD

Additional example: South African Energy Balances

Session 6: Forest accounting

A quick overview of forest accounts - UNSD

The Contribution of Forest Ecosystems to the Economies of Africa - UNEP

Lessons learned from the project in Africa - Jackie Crafford



Event Date

Monday, 11 December 2017 - 9:00am to Wednesday, 13 December 2017 - 5:00pm