SEEA News and Notes is a quarterly newsletter produced by the UN Committee of Experts on Environmental Economic Accounting (UNCEEA). Current and past issues of the newsletter can be found below.
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Issue 27: December 2024: Looking forward to the 56th UN Statistical Commission, highlights of the London Group 30th meeting and more! Also new Global Atlas
Issue 26: July 2024: 19th Meeting of the UNCEEA, Big Data, Uses of the SEEA for Policy-webinar series, Global Dialogue on Oceans and more.
Issue 25: April 2024: Highlights of the 55 UNSC, updates of global SEEA implementation and more
Issue 24: January 2024 Looking forward to the 55 UNSC, SEEA at the COP28 and more
Issue 23: October 2023 Africa NCA Forum, London Group 29 and more
Issue 22: July 2023 Recap of the 18th Meeting of the UNCEEA, SEEA for Climate Change and more
Issue 21: April 2023 SEEA at the UN54SC, 2022 Global Assessment results, Water Accounting event, OECD-UNECE Seminar on SEEA implementation
Issue 20: January 2023 SEEA at the CoP15, EO4EA Workshop, Looking forward to the UNSC
Issue 19: October 2022 SEEA implementation updates, London Group-28 and more
Issue 18. July 2022: SEEA at the 2022 HLPF making the case for NCA, 17th Meeting of the UNCEEA and more
Issue 17. April 2022: Highlights of the 53UNSC, new Guidelines on Biophysical Modelling, SEEA EA e-learning, and more
Issue 16, December 2021: 6th Forum of Experts on SEEA EA, NCAVES project highlights and more
Issue 15, October 2021: SEEA EA white cover published, interoperability strategy and more
Issue 14, July 2021: Launch of ARIES for SEEA Explorer, NCAVES reports and more
Issue 13 , March 2021: SEEA EA is adopted, recent progress in global implementation, and more.
Issue 12 , December 2020: SEEA for a Green Recovery, IUCN Resolution and more
Issue 11, October 2020: Global Consultation, London Group Meeting, Brazil Ecosystem accounts and more
Issue 10, July 2020: 15th meeting of the UNCEEA, 2020 Forum of Experts
Issue 9, April 2020: UN Statistical Commission and the SEEA, new SEEA Knowledge Base and more!
Issue 8, December 2019: SEEA at GEO Week, Capitals Collaboration Day, Fourth Annual Policy Forum and more!
Issue 7, November 2019: SEEA SDG indicators, SEEA and Business Accounting Workshop, Sir Bob Watson Interview and more!
Issue 6, August 2019: Forum of Experts, 14th UNCEEA meeting, first South Africa NCA Forum and more!
Issue 5, April 2019: Update on the SEEA-EEA revision, SEEA at the 50th UN Statistical Commission and more!
Issue 4, December 2018: November’s Paris Policy Forum focuses on biodiversity and climate change, India releases first SEEA accounts and more!
Issue 3, September 2018: SEEA in Asia and Pacific, New Zealand restarts environmental economic accounts, GEF opportunities
Issue 2, June 2018: SEEA at the 49th UN Statistical Commission, Brazil releases water accounts, Australia's National Accounting Strategy
Issue 1, March 2018: SEEA Global Assessment, Trees are more than timber, Policy Applications of Ecosystem Accounting in South Africa