Latest SEEA news

Brazil Ecosystem Extent Accounts, 2000-2018

24 September 2020
Brazil recently released ecosystem extent accounts for 2000-2018, which show that Brazilian terrestrial biomes lost about 500 thousand km2 of their natural areas.

Session 3 on Ecosystem Services: Virtual Forum on SEEA Experimental Ecosystem Accounting, 2020

01 September 2020
The Virtual Expert Forum on SEEA Experimental Ecosystem Accounting 2020 continued with its third session on accounting for ecosystem services held on 24 and 25 August.

Resource Corner, SEEA News & Notes, Issue 10

04 August 2020
Find the latest resources and publications here as well as in our knwoledge base including the  FAO publication Drainage of Organic Soils, South African Experimental Monetary Ecosystem Accounts, New Zealand 2019 Environmental-Economic Accounts, Brazil Water Use in Rainfed Agriculture, ESCAP Technical Guidance on Ocean Accounting for Sustainable Development and more.

Economy-wide Material Flow Accounts and the Sustainable Use of Natural Resources in the Economy

04 August 2020
The global material footprint is growing rapidly, outpacing population and economic growth.  Material footprint entails the volume of biomass, metals, non-metallic minerals and fossil fuels that we extract. Materials fuel our economies and underpin human development and well-being. The global extraction of these materials has more than tripled since 1970 and continues to grow at an accelerated rate.

NCAVES project countries progress in piloting ecosystem accounting and valuation of ecosystem services

03 August 2020
For the third consecutive year, as part of the NCAVES project, Brazil, China, India, Mexico and South Africa presented the progress made in piloting ecosystem accounts, during the first two sessions of the 2020 Virtual Forum of Experts in SEEA Experimental Ecosystem Accounting.  

2020 Virtual Forum on SEEA Experimental Ecosystem Accounting

01 August 2020
The fifth edition of the Forum of Experts on SEEA Experimental Ecosystem Accounting is taking place virtually this year, due to the COVID-19 pandemic. The Virtual Forum of Experts is taking place in four separate virtual sessions.

SEEA EEA Revision Process Update Q2-2020

28 July 2020
Since the last update on the SEEA EEA Revision process in April 2020, there has been significant progress with drafting of the chapters of the revised SEEA EEA.

The 15th Meeting of the UNCEEA: the SEEA EEA revision, a green recovery, business accounting and more

28 July 2020
The 15th Meeting of the UNCEEA took place virtually on 6, 8 and 9 July, 2020. A record number of participants attended, with over 70 members from national statistical offices and international organizations taking part.

Chapters on accounting for ecosystem services of the revised SEEA EEA released

24 July 2020
Chapters 6 & 7 on accounting for ecosystem services for the revised SEEA EEA were launched for global consultation on 20 July 2020.