Latest SEEA news

The Dasgupta Review and the SEEA

23 July 2020
The Interim Report of the independent Review on the Economics of Biodiversity, led by Professor Sir Partha Dasgupta was recently published. Read more about the contents of the Report and how it links to the SEEA.

Aligning the SEEA with Business Accounting

23 July 2020
One of the major outcomes of the 15th Meeting of the UN Committee of Experts on Environmental-Economic Accounting (UNCEEA) was the Committee’s support for aligning public and private sector approaches to accounting for the environment and ecosystems. 

Innovative study on Valuation of Ecosystem Services in South Africa

23 July 2020
A new pilot study of ecosystem accounting in South Africa maps, measures and values a suite of ecosystem services for the province of KwaZulu-Natal.

A Natural Capital Accounting Community of Practice for Africa Launched

01 July 2020
Kampala, Uganda, 1 July 2020: The Africa Natural Capital Accounting Community of Practice was launched today at the ‘African Forum on Green Economy: Investing in Natural Capital for a Resilient Africa’ conference.

Valuation chapters of the revised SEEA EEA were released

02 June 2020
Chapters 8-11 on valuation and accounting treatments for the revised SEEA EEA were launched for global consultation on 29 May 2020. The consulation on the four chapters is ongoing until 6 July 2020.   Please find below the drafts of chapters 8-11, draft glossary of terms to support the global consultation and the comments form specific to chapters 8-11. 

Update on the Road to the Post-2020 Global Biodiversity Framework

07 April 2020 work on the post-2020 global biodiversity framework is well underway, with more than 1000 delegates from more than 140 countries having met in Rome earlier this year at the second meeting of the Open-ended Working Group. 

First Global Consultation on the Revised SEEA EEA was Launched

06 April 2020
The first global consultation on individual chapters of the revised SEEA EEA was launched.

Australian Community of Experts for the SEEA Revision Process

06 April 2020
Australia, an international leader in the development of ecosystem accounting, has strong domestic support  for the SEEA EEA Revision process.  Australian scientists and other members of its academic community participate actively  in the technical working groups that have been developed to inform the revised standards. 

Update on the IUCN Motion: 2020 IUCN Motion in support of the SEEA EEA

05 April 2020
Due to the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic, the International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN) has decided to postpone the IUCN World Conservation Congress 2020, planned to be held in Marseille, to 7-15 January 2021 from its original date of 11-19 June.  The congress is a quadrennial event that brings together several th