Latest SEEA news

New Business and Natural Capital Accounting Case Studies Released
12 October 2021
UNSD has released two case studies which assess alignment between existing private sector natural capital accounting approaches and the SEEA. The case studies focus on a Holcim subsidiary in India and a Holcim quarry site in Spain.

Informing Policy Scenario Analysis Using SEEA Ecosystem Accounting
12 October 2021
A key dimension to increasing the uptake of the accounts is mainstreaming their application into policymaking. In response to this need, a technical report, Policy Scenario Analysis Using SEEA Ecosystem Accounting, has been developed and recently released.

The Rise, Fall and Rethinking of Green GDP
07 October 2021
The use of GDP has been criticized since its inception given its shortcomings when it comes to the environment. While the creation of "green GDP" failed to take off in the 1990s, the international community has made a new start in integrating the environment into GDP.

South Africa releases SEEA ecosystem accounts for protected areas
05 October 2021
On Monday 4 October 2021, South Africa launched the publication Accounts for Protected Areas, 1900 to 2020. The publication was issued by Statistics South Africa in collaboration with the South African National Biodiversity Institute and the Department of Forestry, Fisheries and the Environment.

India releases its 4th consecutive issue of SEEA accounts
01 October 2021
Continuing its commitment to the development of SEEA-compliant accounts, NSO India released its 4th consecutive annual report on environmental-economic accounts, on 30th September, 2021 titled “EnviStats India 2021 Vol. II - Environment Accounts”.

Measuring and valuing what matters: UN Secretary-General urges Member States to implement the SEEA EA
17 September 2021
On 10 September 2021, UN Secretary-General Antonio Guterres released the “Our Common Agenda” report, which looks ahead to the next 25 years and represents the Secretary-General’s vision on the future of global cooperation and multilateralism.

An appetite for greening the recovery with natural capital accounting - Fifth Policy Forum on NCA for better decision making
16 September 2021
The Fifth Policy Forum on Natural Capital Accounting for Better Decision Making

UNSD releases a strategy to scale up knowledge sharing for better-informed policymaking
13 September 2021
The United Nations Statistics Division, in collaboration with the Basque Centre for Climate Change (BC3) and UNEP, has recently published an interoperability strategy for the next generation of SEEA<

Project update: Environmental-Economic Accounting for Evidence-Based Policy in Africa and Asia
01 September 2021
The latest updates in the development of SEEA accounts in Africa and Asia: High-level launch of the project in Malaysia, land accounting in the Phillipines and a technical workshop with ARIES in Senegal.