Latest SEEA news

UNEP updates the Global Manual on Economy-Wide Material Flow Accounting and the Global Material Flows Database

30 December 2023
In 2023, UNEP, in close collaboration with the Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation (CSIRO), revised the

IMF publishes the First Progress Report on the Third Phase of the G20 Data Gaps Initiative (DGI-3)

29 December 2023
The objective of the DGI is to encourage economies to provide data to assist policymakers in addressing the most relevant policy needs and filling critical data gaps.  The DGI-3 focus in filing the data gaps in addressing climate change, financial innovation, and inclusive growth.

Eurostat launches data collection on ecosystem extent accounts

22 December 2023
On 19 December 2023, Eurostat launched a data collection on ecosystem extent accounts for countries that are part of the European Statistical System (ESS).

SEEA at the CoP28: Integrating Natural Capital Accounting and Climate Change

18 December 2023
A side event on “Integrating Natural Capital Accounting and Climate Change” was organized by the Basque Centre for Climate Change (BC3) during the UN Climate Change Conference COP28 in Dubai on Sunday, 3 December 2023.

Supreme Audit Institutions and Environmental-Economic Accounting systems

01 December 2023
An “Inter-regional workshop on climate change: The contribution of Supreme Audit Institutions” was jointly organized by the Federal Court of Accounts of Brazil, the General Comptroller of Chile, and UNDESA in Santiago (Chile) on 23-25 October 2023.

Resource Corner Issue 23

13 October 2023
In this issue you will find Indonesia Energy Flow and Air Emissions Accounts, Uganda’s Ecosystem Services and Asset accounts, Canada’s agroecosystem accounting, UK’s urban ecosystem accounts, UBS report on mainstreaming NCA, TNFD Final Recommendations, and OECD”s,  a new paper on the first ocean environmental-economic account in the OSPAR region and more.

An Accounting Approach for Climate Change Policy in Africa: Regional Training in Kenya

09 October 2023
In conjunction with the second African Natural Capital Accounting Policy Forum, the UN Statisticas Division (UNSD) organized a Regional Training Workshop on an Accounting Approach to Climate Change Policy on 4-5 September in Nairobi, Kenya.   Climate change is one of the most pressing policy issues for many African countries given its wide-ranging impacts on well-being.

Second Africa Natural Capital Accounting Policy Forum convenes in Nairobi

06 October 2023
The African Natural Capital Accounting Policy Forum convened a diverse group of more than 120 government representatives from national statistical office and various agencies and ministries hailing from 30 countries across the African continent.  The forum, which took place from 6th to 7th September 2023 in Nairobi, Kenya,  yielded the Nairobi Declaration Statement and Call to Action as its most significant outcome.