Resource Corner, SEEA News and Notes: Issue 25

In this issue you will find the UNEP-IRC Global Resource Outlook 2024, ocean ecosystem accounts for the Dutch sea; Canada's flow accounts for plastic material; France's report of the environment; the Philippines's water and energy accounts; an OECD paper on ocean economy measurement and more.
Publications issued by Statistics Canada
Physical flow account for plastic material, 2020
The physical flow account for plastic material (PFAPM) is an environmental-economic account created to support the Government of Canada's Zero Plastic Waste Agenda. The PFAPM accounts for the plastic content of internationally imported and exported products as well as international imports and exports of sorted and baled plastic waste and disposed plastic waste and scrap. The account provides annual estimates by product category, resin type, and province and territory. Access the publication and tables, issued on 18-Mar-2024 here.
International trade in environmental and clean technology products by origin and destination, 2022
On February 26, 2024, Statistics Canada released data on international trade in environmental and clean technology products by origin and destination, which result from a previous release of the main Environmental and Clean Technology Products Account. This statistical product provides information on the values of Canadian exports and imports by trade partners. Find out more here.
Coastal population and dwellings by elevation and distance from coastline
This publication, released on 26 January 2024, provides population and dwelling counts by elevation within 10 km of Canada’s coastline.
- Data on the coastal population for 2016 and 2021 table
- Data on ocean and coastal ecosystem extent account table
- Protected and conserved ocean ecosystem extent table
Access the article in here.
The energy use and greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions data presented in this 20 December 2023 release reflect the production and consumption activities of industries, households and governments that contribute to Canada's estimates of gross domestic product (GDP).
- Physical flow account for greenhouse gas emissions (
- Physical flow account for energy use (
- Physical flow account for energy use: Interactive tool (
- Physical flow account for greenhouse gas emissions: Interactive tool (
Publication by SDES France
Bilan environnemental de la France - Édition 2023
This annual report provides an overview of environmental protection expenditures, as well as a snapshot of the state of ecosystems and interactions between the environment and the economy. The first part of the report presents indicators on expenditures to prevent, reduce or compensate for the damage caused by human activities to the environment. The second part contains 22 factsheets detailing themes such as green economy, GHGs, etc. The report, published by the SDES (Statistical Department of the French Ministry for Ecological Transition) in March 2024, can be found here.
Publications by Statistics Netherlands
SEEA Ecosystem Accounting for the Dutch North Sea, 2023
This report describes the (experimental) compilation of an ecosystem account for the Dutch North Sea, according to the guidelines of the UN System of Economic-Environmental Accounting — Ecosystem Accounting (SEEA-EA).
Access the article and report here.
Publications by the Philippine Statistics Authority
2022 Water Accounts of The Philippines
The Philippine Statistics Authority (PSA) presents this technical report on their flow accounts for water resources for 2022. Access the publication here.
2022 Energy Asset Accounts of The Philippines
This technical report is an update of the Asset Accounts for Energy Resources of the Philippines published in 2021, which covers the physical and monetary asset accounts of coal, oil, natural gas, and condensate resources in the country.
2022 Mineral Asset Accounts of The Philippines
The publication presents the physical and monetary asset accounts of the country’s four metallic mineral resources, namely, gold, copper, nickel, and chromite. In addition, it provides information on the volume and value of the four metallic minerals at the start and end of each year, as well as the changes that occurred during the period.
Publications by the Office for National Statistics, UK
Estimates of quarterly greenhouse gas emissions (residence basis), UK: Quarter 3 (July to Sept) 2023
Estimates of quarterly greenhouse gas emissions on a residence basis using a Chow-Lin regression-based temporal disaggregation method have been published for 2023 Q3 by the Office for National Statistics. The release can be found here.
OECD publications
Eight lessons learned from comparing ocean economy measurement strategies across countries
This paper compares the ocean economy measurement strategies of eight OECD member countries (Belgium/Flanders, Canada, Ireland, Italy, Korea, Norway, Portugal, United States) using principles from the System of National Accounts. It also highlights the ocean economy thematic accounts of four countries and summarises their methods. The paper concludes with recommendations for integrating ocean economy measurements with national accounting standards, a vital step for improving the evidence base for ocean policy making. The report can be accessed here.
UN Environment publications
Global Resources Outlook 2024: Bend the Trend – Pathways to a liveable planet as resource use spikes
The flagship report of the International Resource Panel of UN Environment was released on 1 March 2024. The report sheds light on how resources are essential to the effective implementation of the Agenda 2030 and multilateral environmental agreements to tackle the triple planetary crisis. Since the 2019 edition, the report shows that rising trends in global resource use have continued or accelerated. Access the report here.