Latest SEEA news

8th International Conference on Big Data and Data Science for Official Statistics

02 July 2024
This year's flagship event of the UN Committee of Experts on Big Data and Data Science for Official Statistics (UNCEBD) had the theme of "Informing Climate Change and Sustainable Development Policies with Integrated Data", and the SEEA was one of the focuses of the event.

Costa Rica updates Environmental Accounts and announces new applications and products

28 June 2024
In the framework of World Environment Day, the last 5th June, the Central Bank of Costa Rica (BCCR) published new results for the Environmental Accounts. In this publication, the BCCR presented the update of the Water and Energy Accounts for the period 2018-2021 and the Material Flow Accounts for the years 2020-2023.

Resource Corner, SEEA News and Notes: Issue 25

08 April 2024
In this issue you will find the UNEP-IRC Global Resource Outlook 2024, ocean ecosystem accounts for the Dutch sea; Canada's flow accounts for plastic material; France's report of the environment; the Philippines's water and energy accounts; an OECD paper on ocean economy measurement and more.

Outcomes from the sixth meeting of the AHTEG on Indicators for the Global Biodiversity Framework

05 April 2024
The sixth Ad-Hoc Technical Expert Group on Indicators (AHTEG) for the Kunming-Montreal Global Biodiversity Framework met in person in Cambridge, UK, from 12–15 March 2024. 

Capacity Building Workshop on Ocean Accounting in Samoa: GIS Workshop on Mangrove Statistics

04 April 2024
The Capacity Building Workshop on Ocean Accounting took place in Apia, Samoa from 12 to 14 March 2024.

Ninth Joint OECD/UNECE Seminar on the Implementation of the SEEA

01 April 2024
The 9th Joint OECD/UNECE Seminar on the Implementation of the System of Environmental-Economic Accounting (SEEA) was held at the Palais des Nations in Geneva, Switzerland, from 18-20 March 2024. The seminar series is organized regularly with a long-term view to support the implementation of the SEEA.   

Findings from the 2023 Global Assessment of Environmental-Economic Accounting

29 March 2024
In late February, UNSD released the results of the 2023 Global Assessment of Environmental-Economic Accoun

Rwanda hosts the 7th Policy Forum on Natural Capital: Data, accounting and analysis for biodiversity policies

28 March 2024
UNSD together with the World Bank and the Government of Rwanda organized the 7th Global Policy Forum on Natural Capital, from 5-6 March in Kigali, Rwanda.

SEEA Highlights of the 55th UN Statistical Commission

25 March 2024
From 27 February to 2 March, the United Nations Committee of Experts on Environmental-Economic Accounting (UNCEEA) participated in the 55th Session of the UN Statistical Commission (UNSC) in New York. The UNSC provides an opportunity for the UNCEEA to present its achievements and upcoming work programme to chief statisticians from around the world.