Latest SEEA news

Resource corner SEEA News and Notes – Issue 17

05 April 2022
In this issue you will find several new publications on SEEA accounts from Bhutan, Canada, Eurostat, Germany, India, Indonesia and New Zealand, and other reports such as UNECE’s report on Machine Learning for Official Statistics.

Results of the 2021 Global Assessment on SEEA Implementation

01 April 2022
Administered since 2014, the Global Assessment of Environmental-Economic Accounting and Supporting Statistics, provides a snapshot of SEEA implementation around the world.

Accounting for Ecosystem Change in Canada

30 March 2022
On January 25, 2022, Statistics Canada released new products on ecosystem accounting.  The report Human Activity and the Environment: Accounting for ecosystem change in Canada is an initial attempt to account for ecosystems.

SEEA Highlights of the 53rd UN Statistical Commission

17 March 2022
The 53rd session of the UN Statistical Commission provided an opportunity for the UNCEEA to present their work programme for 2022-2025.

Closing Climate Change Data Gaps: a new G20 Data Gaps Initiative

15 March 2022
On 23 February, more than 120 participants joined the virtual side event of the 53rd Session of the UN Statistical Commission, “Closing Climate Change Data Gaps: A New G20 Data Gaps Initiative”.

SEEA and the Post-2020 Global Biodiversity Framework: a side event of the UNSC53

15 March 2022
This high-level side event brought together the statistical and biodiversity communities  to discuss the role of national statistical offices on biodiversity monitoring.

Resource corner SEEA News and Notes: Issue 16

21 December 2021
In this issue you will find the publications from the NCAVES project countries, EUROSTAT, the Philippines and more.

Measuring climate change: IMF 9th Statistical Forum

20 December 2021
The IMF held its 9th Annual Statistical Forum on November 17-18, 2021, with a focus on the measurement of climate change and its economic and financial dimensions.

Mexico NCAVES National Forum

20 December 2021
The High-level Forum on Ecosystem Accounts, organized by the National Institute of Statistics and Geography, in collaboration with the Ministry of Environment, marked the conclusion of the four-year EU-funded NCAVES project in Mexico.