Regional Training Programme on the Production of SEEA-Energy Accounts and Use of Energy Information for Policy

The United Nations Statistics Division (UNSD) in collaboration with the Agency of the Republic of Kazakhstan on Statistics and the United Nations Economic and Social Commission for Asia and the Pacific (ESCAP), with support of Statistics Netherlands, are launching a Regional Training Programme on the Production of the System of Environmental-Economic Accounting-Energy (SEEA-Energy) Accounts and the Use of Energy Information for Policy for countries of Eastern Europe, the Caucasus and Central Asia (EECCA) and South-eastern Europe (SEE).
The training programme is based on a blended learning format consisting of three phases: (1) an online course; (2) a training workshop; and (3) a follow-up phase. This page is dedicated to the online course only.
Please note that this course is now over, but you can access all the materials below.
Online course
The online course will provide an overview on the SEEA-Energy. It consists of 6 self-paced modules, exercises and 3 live webinars.
Self-paced modules
The self-paced modules can be accessed through the e-Learning Platform of the United Nations Statistics Division ( Participants are required to enroll and follow the “SEEA – In Depth Training on Energy Accounting” course, which is available is both English and Russian languages.
Please register on the e-learning platform and enroll in the course following these instructions.
You can download PDF versions of the modules here. However, we don't recommend using the PDFs as substitutes as the interactive features of the training are not supported.
In addition to the self-paced online modules, there will be supporting exercises that will be periodically e-mailed to participants. These exercises will be in both English and Russian. The exercises will help reinforce the material covered in the online modules and provide you with a chance to apply what you have learned.
Live webinars
The self-paced modules and exercises will be complemented with 3 live webinar sessions that will be delivered by international experts on SEEA-Energy. Participants will be able to ask questions and interact with the trainers.
The live webinars will be conducted via webex. Please note that we are not able to provide technical assistance for joining the webinar. Please test your connection beforehand and resolve any issue internally.
Webinar 1: Overview of SEEA-Energy by Alessandra Alfieri, UNSD
Wednesday, 6 November 2019 at 5:30am New York time (11:30am CET, 12:30 Kyiv, 14:30 Tbilisi, 16:30 Almaty, 17:30 Bangkok)
The presentaton can be downloaded here.
The recording of the video can be downloaded here (please download the video before watching it).
Webinar 2: PSUT and Asset accounting, including indicators Mr. Sjoerd Schenau, Statistics Netherlands
Wednesday, 20 November 2019 at 5:30am New York time (11:30am CET, 12:30 Kyiv, 14:30 Tbilisi, 16:30 Almaty, 17:30 Bangkok)
The presentation can be downloaded here.
The recording of the video can be downloaded here (please download the video before watching it).
Webinar 3: Links between energy balances and energy accounts and applications by Mr. Ole Gravgård Pedersen, Statistics Denmark and Ms. Jasmin Guelden Sterzl, Statistics Austria
Monday, 2 December 2019 at 4:00am New York time (10:00am CET, 11:00 Kyiv, 13:00 Tbilisi, 15:00 Almaty, 16:00 Bangkok)
The presentations can be downloaded : (1) energy balances and (2) energy accounts.
The recording of the video can be downloaded here.