Resource corner SEEA News and Notes: Issue 16

In this issue you will find the publications from the NCAVES project countries, EUROSTAT, the Philippines and more.
NCAVES project countries final reports and policy briefs
IBGE published in November 2021 the final report of the project NCAVES ‘Ecosystem accounts for Brazil” with its accompanying policy brief in English.
The policy brief The SEEA Ecosystem Accounts for China has been published.
The full report of the NCAVES project in China. "Ecosystems Accounts for China. Report of the NCAVES project" was published in June 2021
The policy brief “The SEEA Ecosystem Accounts for India’ has been published..
The final project report "Ecosystem Accounts for India. Report of the NCAVES project" was published by the Ministry of Statistics and Programme Implementation of the Government of India in January 2021.
INEGI published the final report of the project NCAVES in Spanish in October, 2021 under the title "Cuentas de los Ecosistemas de México. Resultados del proyecto NCAVES". The report "Ecosystem Accounts of Mexico. Report of the NCAVES project," in English, was published in December 2021 as well as the policy brief in English.
South Africa
The final NCAVES report “Ecosystem Accounts for South Africa. Report of the NCAVES project” and accompanying policy brief Natural Capital Accounting: Implementing SEEA Ecosystem Accounting in South Africa have been published.
Eurostat Quarterly greenhouse gas emissions by economic activity
Eurostat published on 29 November 2021 estimates of quarterly EU greenhouse gas emissions, including a breakdown of emissions by economic activity. The estimates cover all quarters from 2010 until the second quarter of 2021. This data will be published regularly each quarter from now on.
This is the first release ever of quarterly greenhouse gas emissions estimates for the EU. This is an important improvement in the timeliness of climate change related statistics and is part of Eurostat’s efforts to provide more and better insights into the EU green transition towards the aim to be a net-zero emission continent by 2050.
Read more here.
Find about: datasets and methodology.
Eurostat other recent resources:
An overview of SEEA environmental accounts is available here. Eurostat runs several data collections on air emissions, including greenhouse gases and pollutants (explained here), material flow accounts (explained here), environmental taxes (explained here), environmental sector (explained here), expenditure on environmental protection (explained here) and energy flows (explained here). All these data collections are annual and mandatory for EU Member States. Eurostat will start publishing quarterly estimates of greenhouse gases by the end of 2021. Eurostat publishes all those data results in the Eurostat online database, as well as articles (see Statistics Explained pages) and other material (see dedicated section on environmental statistics). Eurostat also publishes air emission footprints and two datasets with material footprints (aggregate and detailed). Eurostat is updating the technical specifications of those environmental accounts as regards variables, classifications, breakdowns and shorter reporting deadlines. The new technical specifications will enter into force by April 2022.
Philippines published the following SEEA publications in 2021.
Mineral Accounts of the Philippines
The Mineral Accounts of the Philippines provide information on the stocks and changes in stocks of four metallic minerals in the country, namely: nickel, copper, chromite, and gold. The mineral asset accounts are presented in physical and monetary terms, and it covers the period 2013 to 2020. Published on 29 July 2021 the publication can be found here. More information on this release can be found here.
Water Accounts of the Philippines
The Water Accounts of the Philippines provide information on the supply and use of water resources in the country. The accounts are presented in physical and monetary terms, and it covers the period 2010 to 2020. It also features SDG 6.4.1 Change in Water Use Efficiency and 6.4.2 Level of Water Stress. Published on 8 October 2021 the publication can be found here.
More information on this release can be found here.
Energy Accounts of the Philippines
The Energy Accounts of the Philippines provide information on the stocks and changes in stocks of four non-renewable energy resources in the country, namely: coal, oil, natural gas, and condensate. The energy asset accounts are presented in physical and monetary terms, and it covers the period 2000 to 2020. Published on 25 November 2021 the publication can be found here.
More information on this release can be found here.
Land Asset Accounts for Tree-Covered Areas of the Philippines
The Land Asset Accounts for Tree-Covered Areas presents the tree-covered of the Philippines, in physical terms, from 2010 and 2015. It also provides information on the factors attributed to the changes of land cover classification during the said reference years.
Published on 12 April 2019, can be found here.
The publication Developing the Water Accounts and Material Flow Accounts of the Philippines is also in our knowledge base.
The Central Luzon Land Asset Accounts provide information on the stocks and changes in stocks of the different land classification in Central Luzon. The land asset accounts are presented in physical and monetary terms covering the years 2010 to 2015. In addition, annual estimates of land cover and land value were derived for the years 2000 to 2015.
This is a regional account published in August 2021. The report can be found here.
Other PSA regional publications are available in our knowlege base:
Caraga Asset Account for Timber Resources: 2003-2015
Cordillera Administrative Region Asset Accounts for Mineral Resources: 2004 to 2016