Ecosystem Accounts of Mexico: Report of the NCAVES project

Document Summary:
The report summarizes the methods and results obtained during the implementation of the project Natural Capital Accounting and Valuation of Ecosystem Services-- or NCAVES project from 2017 to 2021.
This report includes an institutional context and description of the methods used for the compilation of terrestrial ecosystem extent and condition accounts as well as experimental valuation of selected ecosystem services, such as carbon storage and sequestration, provision of crops, pollination services, tourism-related services and water supply services.
The project NCAVES was implemented in Mexico under the leadership of INEGI, in collaboration with SEMARNAT, with the support of the UN Statistics Division and UN Environment and with financing from the European Union.
This work translated into English is derived from the original work in Spanish entitled Cuentas de los
ecosistemas de México. Resultados del proyecto Natural Capital Accounting and Valuation of
Ecosystem Services (NCAVES)