Second Forum on Natural Capital Accounting for Better Decision-Making, The Hague

The Second NCA Policy Forum
The Second Forum on Natural Capital Accounting for Better Decision-Making ( 2nd NCA Policy Forum) is organized by the Wealth Accounting and Valuation of Ecosystem Services (WAVES) program of the World Bank, in collaboration with the United Nations Statistics Division and the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Netherlands.
This forum will build on the first Natural Capital Accounting forum whose proceedings resulted in a comprehensive publication entitled "Forum on Natural Capital Accounting for Better Policy Decisions: Taking Stock and Moving Forward" which presents experiences from developing and developed countries, as well as international organizations, on how NCA have and can be used for policy, and specifically focus on how NCA can be used to achieve the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).
The forum will also have a special session dedicated to the applications of NCA to business, focusing on the Natural Capital Protocol and its links with the public sector. This section is organized by the Natural Capital Coalition and World Business Council on Sustainable Development.
Key note presentations
Session 1.1 Introduction to the 2nd Forum NCA - Steve Bass, IIED
Session 1.2 Global Program on Sustainability - Rafaello Cervigni, WAVES
Session 1.3 UNCEEA in the context of NCA and SDGs - Gerard Eding, CBS Netherlands
Session 2.1 Monitoring SDGs with NCA - Bram Edens, UNSD
Session 2.2 NCA for the SDGs - Arjan Ruijs, PBL
Session 3.0 Role of Business in NCA and SDGs - Hannah Pitts, Natural Capital Coalition
Session 4.1 Green Growth - Salman Hussain, UN Environment-TEEB
Session 4.2 NCA and Poverty - Rafaello Cervigni, WAVES
Session 4.3 Zambia - Policy Decisions Relating to Green Growth and Poverty - Richard Lungu, MNDP, Zambia
Session 5.1 NCA to improve sustainable forest management in England - Miranda Winram, Forest Enterpise England
Session 5.2 Ecosystem Accounting to inform decisions on forest management in Australia - Michael Vardon, ANU
Session 5.3 Policy applications of ecosystem accounts in South Africa - Mandy Driver, SANBI
Session 5.4 Role of NCA for Biodiversity Conservation in Uganda - Steve King, UNEP-WCMC
Session 5.5 NCA in Brazil - Andre Andrade, Casa Civil Brasil
Session 6.1 Botswana: Water and Sustainable Development
Session 6.2 Indonesia: National Development Plan
Session 6.3 Rwanda: Mid-tem national strategy
Session 6.4 Australia: Strategy and action plan for NCA
Session 7.2 Integrated Economic-Environmental Modeling (IIEM) Platform Project