London Group on Environmental Accounting, 28th Meeting
The London Group on Environmental Accounting is a city group created in 1993 to allow practitioners to share their experience of developing and implementing environmental accounts. Members of this informal group of experts come primarily from national statistical agencies but also international organizations. The London Group generally meets annually, and the meetings provide a forum for review, comparison and discussion of work underway by participants towards development of environmental accounts.
This year's 28th meeting of the London Group will focus on the alignment between the System of Environmental-Economic Accounts-Central Framework (SEEA CF), the SEEA Ecoystem Accounting (SEEA EA) and the System of National Accounts (SNA)– especially in the light of the ongoing SNA revision process. The focus on the SEEA CF will be on the integration of environmental accounts and the derivation of indicators from those accounts. In the area of SEEA EA the discussion will turn to ecosystem services in biophysical terms and the valuation and monetization of ecosystem services. Complementary topics will be Ocean Accounts and indicators on different areas derived from the Physical Flow Accounts.
The twenty-eighth Meeting of the London Group, hosted by the Federal Statistics Office of Germany, is scheduled to take place in person from 26 to 29 September 2022 in Siegburg, near Bonn, Germany.
Video presentation - Session 5
Additional files
Event Date
In memoriam
Meeting photos

Walking lunch