SEEA EA Revision Process Update Q4 2020

Since the last newsletter update on the SEEA EEA revision process in October 2020, the global consultation on the complete draft has concluded, and the work on updating the draft of the SEEA EA has begun.
The global consultation on the complete draft of the SEEA Ecosystem Accounting (SEEA EA) was concluded on 30 November 2020. In total 87 sets of comments were received, out of which 54 were from national government agencies representing 46 countries, 20 from various international, regional or non-governmental organizations, and 14 were from independent experts and academia. The majority of the comments received were supportive of the draft document and provided substantive and constructive proposals. All the comments will be made available on the global consultation website.
The SEEA Technical Committee has reviewed the comments and provided direction on how to address them. The comments received are currently being incorporated by the editor in a revised draft which will be reviewed by the Technical Committee and the UNCEEA for final sign off. The final draft of the SEEA EA will be submitted to the United Nations Statistical Commission in the beginning of February for its consideration during the 52nd session in March 2021.
For all up to date information, materials and documents please regularly check the dedicated revision websites.