Brazil Ecosystem Extent Accounts, 2000-2018

Rio de Janeiro, 24 September 2020.- The ecosystem extent accounts (2000-2018) show that Brazilian terrestrial biomes lost about 500 thousand km² of their natural areas, due to conversion into modified areas such as land used for crops and grazing. The loss of natural areas was concentrated in the Amazon (see image below) and in the Cerrado biomes, whereas the smallest losses occurred in the Atlantic Forest biome. In relative terms, the Pampa biome experienced the largest reduction in natural areas of -16%.
These are some of the results derived from the first Brazilian ecosystem extent accounts, by biomes, released by the Brazilian Institute of Geography and Statistics (IBGE) on 24 September during a virtual event attended by more than 80 participants from the national government, academia, international organizations and the press. The publication, “Ecosystem Accounts: Land Use in Brazilian Biomes (2000-2018)”, marks an important milestone on the pathway, led by IBGE, for the compilation of ecosystem accounts in Brazil following the SEEA EEA framework under the European Union-funded project “Natural Capital Accounting and Valuation of Ecosystem Services” (NCAVES).
The Brazilian ecosystem extent accounts provide information, at national level, about the changes in land use of the Brazilian six terrestrial biomes (Amazon, Caatinga, Cerrado, Atlantic Forest, Pampa and Pantanal) over the course of 18 years. The accounts also contain an indicator that depicts spatially the intensity of changes.
Underpinning the ecosystem extent accounts, are the Brazilian land cover and use accounts, which are based on satellite images and field research, and updated every two years by IBGE.
The full report in Portuguese can be found here. The report will be translated in English in due course.
For more information about the Brazilian environmental-economic accounts, see:
IBGE Ecosystem Accounts Webpage
Brazilian Extent accounts brochure (in Portuguese)
This article was adapted from the press release originally published by IBGE on 24 September 2020.
Media clippings
The results of the Brazilian extent ecosystem accounts sparked media attention in Brazil:
IBGE released today data on deforastation in Brazil between the years 2000 and 2018 (TV Globo – Jornal Hoje)
Brazil devastated 500 thousand km² of vegetation between 2000 and 2018 (GloboNews)
IBGE data shows the state of the vegetation in Brazil (GloboNews)
Brazil lost half-million km² of natural land cover between 2000 and 2018, declares IBGE (O Globo Online)
Brazil lost 500 thousand km² of native vegetation in 18 years, noted IBGE (O Globo Online)
Brazil lost 500,000 square kilometers of biomes in 18 years (Press From)
Brazil lost area equivalent to that of Spain between 2000 and 2018, says IBGE (O Globo Online)
Pantanal, the most preserved biome until 2018, lost at least 10 times more area in 2020 than in 18 years (G1)
Pantanal: biome was the one that suffered most with a decrease in natural areas (O Povo Online – CE)
Brazilian biomes lost natural cover area equivalent to Spain between 2000 and 2018, says IBGE
Bioma Caatinga has decreased its natural cover continiously
Areas of Brazilian biomes fell 8.34% between 2000 and 2018
IBGE portrays natural coverage of the country's biomes from 2000 to 2018
(Diário Indústria e Comércio Online – PR)
In 18 years, Brazil loses green area equivalent to 2 states of São Paulo, points out IBGE (Estadão Online)
In 18 years, the Amazon lost six states of RJ in forests, says IBGE (Portal UOL)
In 18 years, the Amazon lost an area larger than the state of São Paulo, points out IBGE (Jornal do Tocantins Online)
IBGE: Brazil lost 500 thousand km2 of biomes in 18 years, half Amazon (Portal UOL)
Agriculture occupies a considerable extent in the Amazon biome (Agência Brasil)
Amazon lost 32 thousand soccer fields of vegetation in 18 years (R7)
Amazon lost over 265 thousand square kilometers of vegetation (Rádio Guaíba FM)
IBGE released a study showing the size of the area of native vegetation that Brazil lost from 2000 to 2018 (TV Globo – Jornal Nacional)
IBGE: Amazon lost área greater than Sao Paulo in 18 years (TV CNN Brasil)
Over the last 18 years: Brazil lost vegetation equivalent to the area of Spain (TV Record News)
Country decimated area the size of Spain (Correio Braziliense)
Brazil lost 8.3% of its natural vegetation in 18 years; 42% became pasture and 19%, plantation, says IBGE (O Sul – RS)
In 18 years, Brazil loses area of natural vegetation close to the size of Bahia, says IBGE (Farol da Bahia)
Images by IBGE.