Working towards SEEA accounts for climate change in five countries

Between May and July 2024, experts from the IMF’s Statistics Department delivered successful missions to Bangladesh, Colombia, Indonesia, Peru and South Africa, supporting the NSOs in the compilation and refinement of energy and air emissions accounts. Recognizing that compiling data needed to mitigate climate change takes a whole-of-government approach, the IMF team identified the need for enhanced coordination among data-producing agencies.
In the course of the mission, the significance of SEEA-based accounts was emphasized to representatives from different government sectors, including environment, energy, and mineral resources. Through practical examples and case studies from other countries, stakeholders were shown how these accounts could inform climate change mitigation policies and encourage a transition to a low-carbon economy. Hands-on training was also provided to representatives from various ministries using the country's data and a plan for compiling these accounts was established.
These missions were a part of the IMF's Environment and Climate Change Statistics Capacity Development Program, which is supported by the Swiss State Secretariat for Economic Affairs (SECO). The program is dedicated to generating timely and internationally comparable statistics to aid in the formulation and monitoring of climate change policies.
Peru press release:
Colombia press release:
Article contributed by the IMF Statistics Department