Global data collection for Economy-Wide Material Flow Accounts

On the week of 11 April, the United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP) began the process of validating Economy Wide Material Flow Accounts (EW-MFA) produced and prepared by UNEP and the International Resource Panel for all countries.
Country focal points have already been given access to the IRIS platform, where they are invited to download the pre-filled EW-MFA questionnaire to review the data, replace the data with national data if possible and necessary, and upload the validated questionnaire to the platform.
The data validation will facilitate harmonization of the MFA data between various international organizations such as UNEP, Eurostat, UNSD and OECD, and the international organizations involved are collaborating closely in this exercise.
The results will primarily be used by UNEP, OECD, UNSD and other international organizations to compile SDG indicators 8.4.1/12.2.1 and 8.4.2/12.2.2; report and disseminate the data for these indicators in the SDG Global Database, Global Environmental Outlook (GEO) assessments and the World Environment Situation Room (WESR) Global Database; to measure progress toward the implementation of the environmental dimension of the SDGs; and other purposes.
The deadline for this exercise is 30 June 2022.
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