Latest SEEA news

Environmental-Economic Accounting for Evidence-based Policy in the Philippines and Senegal

07 June 2021
Last month, UNSD kicked off a new project, “Environmental-Economic Accounting for Evidence-based Policy” in two countries, Philippines and Senegal. The project, funded by the UN Development Account, is taking place in 4-6 countries in Africa and Asia and runs until mid-2023.

South Africa releases first Natural Capital Accounting Strategy

03 June 2021
South Africa has reached an important milestone on advancing SEEA implementation by releasing its first 10-year strategy for Natural Capital Accounting (NCA) in South Africa.

Release of NCAVES China project reports during closing workshop

02 June 2021
China releases the final project report for the NCAVES project, which includes pilot SEEA EA accounts for Guangxi Zhang Autonomous Region and Guizhou Province.

Launch of the ARIES for SEEA Explorer

17 May 2021
On 29 April, over 400 participants joined the launch of the ARIES for SEEA Explorer, a pioneering AI-powered application for natural capital accounting. 

UNEP celebrates the adoption of the SEEA EA and calls for its mainstreaming throughout the UN system

29 April 2021
Following the adoption of the SEEA Ecosystem Accounting, UNEP calls for mainstreaming the framework throughout the UN System.

Brazil releases experimental results that value water provisioning service

28 April 2021
IBGE – the Brazilian Institute of Geography and Statistics released on 28 April another experimental ecosystem accounting study.

Brazil releases experimental ecosystem accounts for condition of water and non-wood forest products

22 April 2021
IBGE, the Brazilian Institute for Geography and Statistics released on 15 April two new experimental ecosystem accounting studies.  

UNSD releases final results of the NCAVES Indicators workstream

30 March 2021
The indicators workstream of the Natural Capital Accounting and Valuation of Ecosystem Services (NCAVES) project set out to assess the potential of the SEEA Ecosystem Accounting (SEEA EA) to derive relevant indicators (global and national). 

6th Joint OECD/UNECE Seminar on SEEA Implementation held online from 9-11 March 2021

29 March 2021
This was the 6th of a series of Joint OECD/UNECE Seminars. The seminar provides a platform for exchange of knowledge and experiences on SEEA implementation and facilitates coordination between partners in the OECD/UNECE regions.