2018 Green Development Statistics Forum

Event description
The Green Development Statistics Forum is organized by the Guizhou Provincial Bureau of Statistics on 7 July 2018 ias part of the broader event Eco Froum Global Annual Conference 2018 held in Guizyang Guizhou Province in China
The thematic discussion of the Green Development Statistics Forum will be centered around the theme "Serving Ecological Civilization Construction: Innovating Green Development Statistics".
The director of the United Nations Statistics Division will participate in this forum through a video message where he will address the Natural Capital Accounting and Valuation of Ecosystem Services Project in China, the Green Development Evaluation Indicatiors System and Balance Sheet of Natural Resources.
Event Date
SEEA in China
In his opening remarks during the Green Development Statistics Forum in China, Mr. Schweinfest explains the relevance of an integrated statistical framework to measure the linkage and interdependence between nature, economy and society, and how it supports the global SDG agenda. The System of Environmental Economic Accounting (SEEA), whose Central Framework in 2012 was adopted as a statistical standard by the UN Statistical Commission, brought together environmental data and information into the realm of official statistics at the par with economic statistics to go beyond the GDP.
In advancing the implementation of the SEEA, UNSD, in collaboration with the National Bureau of Statistics (NBS) in China, UN Environment and the European Union (EU), launched in November 2017 the EU-funded project on Natural Capital Accounting and Valuation of Ecosystem Services in China.
The project will support China to strengthen the national compilation of natural resource balance sheet on land, water and forestry, and pilot ecosystem accounting in the Guizhou and Guangxi provinces using the SEEA framework.