ecosystem valuation
Expert Meeting on Ecosystem Accounts
UK Air Pollution Removal: SEEA Accounts Show £1 billion Avoided in Health Damage Costs
The U.K. Office of National Statistics recently published a report on the monetary valuation of vegetation surrounding it's urban and rural areas in removing harmful pollution and in turn reducing the healthcare related costs based on SEEA accounts, in the context of the their SEEA EEA programming.
Expert Meeting on Ecosystem Valuation in the context of Natural Capital Accounting
The objective of the meeting is to establish and strengthen the dialogue between policy makers, environmental economists, ecosystem valuation practitioners and accountants, in the context of the Aichi Target 2 which calls to mainstream biodiversity in national accounts and action 5 of the European Union Biodiversity strategy of 2020, which calls to map and assess the state of ecosystems and their services, including economic valuation and integration into accounting and reporting systems.