Expert Meeting on Ecosystem Accounts
Papers and Presentations for the Meeting
Outline of SEEA Experimental Ecosystem Accounts
Ecosystem Services Measurement and Accounting
Biodiversity Accounting
Capacity and Condition Measures and Degradation
Sequence of the Accounts, Aggregation and Integration
Background Documents by Issues
ISSUE 2 Structure of the accounts
ISSUE 3 Land cover mapping, land cover classification and accounting units
ISSUE 4 Carbon Accounts
ISSUE 5 Landscape accounts and landscape ecological potential
ISSUE 6 Biodiversity Accounts
ISSUE 7 Ecosystem Health/Total Ecological Potential
ISSUE 9 Criteria for Ecosystem Services in Ecosystem Accounts
ISSUE 10 Principles of Monetary Valuation
Event Date
Wednesday, 16 May 2012 - 9:00am to Friday, 18 May 2012 - 5:00pm