First Global Consultation on the Revised SEEA EEA was Launched

The first global consultation on individual chapters of the revised SEEA EEA was launched.
Draft chapters of the revised SEEA EEA will be progressively distributed in batches covering related topics with a commenting period lasting approximately 6 weeks. The comments received will be made public on the SEEA EEA revision website, which will continue to serve as a repository of the technical papers prepared during the revision process, presentations and minutes of meetings. Please find the relevant documents related to the global consultation:
- Letter from Mr. Stefan Schweinfest, director of the United Nations Statistics Division, initiating the first global consultation of individual chapters for the revision of the SEEA EEA
- Cover note describing the revision process and its timeline as well as a general overview of the SEEA EEA
The first global consultation started with Chapters 3-5 on ecosystem units, ecosystem extent and ecosystem condition in March and is continuing with Chapters 8-11 on valuation and accounting treatments in May. In June, Chapters 6 & 7 on ecosystem services should be available for consultation. We are looking forward to a broad set of comments and encourage wide participation from national statistical offices, international organizations, academia, non-governmental organizations and independent experts.
Please access all the chapters, comments form and other information at: