Resource Corner, SEEA News & Notes: Issue 7

India’s Environmental Accounts (EnviStats India 2019, Vol. II)
The National Statistical Office of India recently released its second environmental-economic accounting publication. This publication expands upon soil quality and water asset accounts to include two ecosystem services – crop provisioning and nature-based recreation – that have been assessed and valued at the national scale.
This special release presents a portrait of jobs in the Environment and Clean Technology sector by worker characteristics (such as gender, education) and job characteristics (wages and occupation). This release includes an infographic presenting a portrait of environmental and clean technology jobs in Canada for 2017 (
Experimental Monetary Valuation of Ecosystem Services and Assets in the Netherlands
In collaboration with Wageningen University, Statistics Netherlands has released the first experimental ecosystem service supply and use account and ecosystem asset account for the Netherlands based on the SEEA EEA. The document provides experimental monetary values for ecosystem services and ecosystem assets in the Netherlands and organizes these values into an accounting framework.
European Environmental Economic Accounts: Usefulness for Policymakers Can be Improved
European Court of Auditors have recently published the results of its audit of the European environmental economic accounts on the 10th of October 2019. A key finding of the audit was that the accounts are under-utilized and that usefulness for policymakers could be improved.
Testing Ecosystem Condition Accounts
The SEEA EEA Revision Working Group II has created a new conceptual framework for the condition account and a new typology of the condition indicators, which can be found here. This document outlines the approach for testing the feasibility of the new conceptual framework and the typology of the condition indicators.
UK Natural Capital Accounts: 2019
The Office for National Statistics has released the latest UK Natural Capital Accounts on 18 October 2019. This article looks at natural capital assets, the flows and values of services, and provides the estimates of the financial and societal value of natural resources in the United Kingdom.
Update of the Energy Account: One Third of the Costa Rica’s Energy is Consumed by Households
Costa Rica recently released their energy accounts for 2011-2016. You can find the accounts on their website. The Banco Central de Costa Rica also released an infographic, their methodology and a press release (non-official translation).”