Facilitated e-learning course: SEEA Central Framework
The facilitated e-Learning course “Introduction to the System of Environmental Economic Accounting (SEEA): Central Framework” , organized by the UN Statistical Institute for Asia and the Pacific (UN SIAP), will be conducted from 1 August to 9 September 2022.
This course introduces the SEEA Central Framework, the international statistical standard for measuring the interactions between the environment and the economy,
By providing an internationally agreed standard with agreed concepts, definitions and classifications, the SEEA is an invaluable tool for compiling integrated information on the economy and the environment. The SEEA uses concepts, definitions and classifications consistent with the SNA in order to facilitate the integration of environmental and economic statistics. By doing so, the SEEA allows users to develop indicators (including SDG indicators) and conduct analysis on the economy-environment nexus.
The course contains five modules on the major themes of SEEA Central Framework.
Outline | Coverage |
Module 1: Introduction to the SEEA |
Module 2: Accounting for physical flows |
Module 3: Accounting for environmental assets |
Module 4: Environmental activity accounts, combined presentations and indicators |
Module 5: Subsystems, applications and extensions |
Weekly webinars will also be held as part as this course.
Target participants are staff of national statistical offices and other relevant line ministries working on issues related to the environment. Anyone interested in learning more about the SEEA are also encouraged to enroll in this course.
To register, please use this link: https://forms.office.com/Pages/ResponsePage.aspx?id=2zWeD09UYE-9zF6kFubccKTTweiwclpIoK6AIi89FoJUMUVSOUpVMU1QUVFQMkNYMFNXVDM4MFNCVC4u