African NCA Community of Practice Webinar: The FAO GEF Riverine Forest Restoration, Biodiversity Conservation and Livelihood Improvement in Sudan
The government of Sudan is addressing land, natural resources degradation and poverty, as reported in the National Quarter-Century Strategy (2007-2031) and the National Adaptation Program of Action (NAPA). The country is prioritizing the reconstruction and protection of forest ecosystems, raising the environmental awareness and development of the forest industry. The National Biodiversity Strategy and Adaptation Plan (NBSAP) (2011-2020) also addresses rehabilitation of degraded ecosystems.
In line with this regulatory framework, the project “Landscape Approach to Riverine Forest Restoration, Biodiversity Conservation and Livelihood Improvement” will contribute to integrate the principles of sustainable development into country policies and programs, reverse the loss of environmental resources and rehabilitate selected riverine forest areas. The project, for which FAO is the implementing agency, in partnership with the Government of Sudan and the Forests National Corporation (FNC), is financed by the Global Environmental Facility (GEF).
The project includes a natural capital component to assess and account for forest ecosystem services. The services included are wood and non-wood forestry products provisioning services, carbon sequestration and regulating services, as well as PES for beekeeping activities. The project will contribute to evidence-based, sustainable natural resource planning and management.
The objective of this webinar is to share information and planned activities in the “Landscape Approach to Riverine Forest Restoration, Biodiversity Conservation and Livelihood Improvement” project from one side to inform the community of practice and from the other side to receive feedback from African experts, also considering that while the Project Preparation Phase is already completed, the implementation phase has still to take place and suggestions and advices from the community have still time to be concretely taken into account by project managers.
In so doing, we hope to inspire further discussion on differences and synergies with other African country experiences. To achieve this objective, the webinar will offer adequate time for discussion.
Chair: Iain Shuker, Practice Manager, Environment and Natural Resources Global Practice, World Bank
Program Outline
Webinar Facilitator: Francesco Tubiello, Senior Statistician and Team Leader FAO GEF
1. Presentation: The Sudan Riverine Forest Restoration, Biodiversity Conservation and Livelihood Improvement Project Overview
Speaker: Mohamed Bergigui, FAO GEF
2. Presentation: Natural Capital Component in the Sudan Riverine Forest Restoration, Biodiversity Conservation and Livelihood Improvement Project
Speaker: Silvia Cerilli, Natural Capital Expert, FAO GEF
3. Open Q&A
Webinar slides and recording will be made available to all participants and NCA CoP members after the event