Fifth Meeting of the Committee of Experts on Business and Trade Statistics

The Environmental-Economic Accounts Section of UNSD was invited to the 5th meeting of the UN Committee of Experts on Business and Trade Statistics (UNCEBTS) (from 6-9 September 2022) to give a presentation on the activities of the UNCEEA Business Accounting Working Group and participate in a roundtable on the use of business and trade statistics in the compilation of environmental economic accounts. This roundtable was part of the strategic efforts of the UNCEBTS to improve the vertical integration of business and trade statistics in the statistical production process from the basic data to the macro-economic frameworks of the SNA and the SEEA. Potential areas of collaboration were identified, especially on the harmonization of non-financial reporting standards with business statistics and environmental economic accounts. Based on the discussion at the meeting, the UNCEBTS will finalize its work plan and coordinate with the UNCEEA on the areas of common interest. For more information on the meeting, please visit:
The UNCEBTS was established by the United Nations Statistical Commission in 2019 and aims at strengthening the quality and availability of business and trade statistics for the overall improvement of economic statistics and for responding to emerging needs. You can find out more about the UNCEBTS here.