SEEA-relevant Meetings and Workshops

Fecha Ubicación Título
27 November 2012 to 29 November 2012 Lima, Peru Workshop on Water Accounts and Statistics for Latin America
27 November 2012 to 29 November 2012 New York, USA International Seminar "Towards Linking Ecosystems and Ecosystem Services to Economic and Human Activity"
02 October 2012 to 04 October 2012 Ottawa, Canada 18th Meeting of the London Group on Environmental Accounting
11 September 2012 to 13 September 2012 Rabat, Morocco Workshop on Water Accounts and Statistics for the French speaking countries of North Africa (Algeria, Mauritania, Mauritius, Morocco, Tunisia)
14 June 2012 Rio de Janeiro, Brazil SEEA side event at Rio+20: “SEEA - The Monitoring Framework for Green Economy and Sustainable Development"
14 June 2012 Rio de Janeiro, Brazil SEEA sustainable development learning events at Rio+20 - "Implementing the SEEA in Countries-Lessons Learned"
11 June 2012 to 13 June 2012 Rio de Janeiro, Brazil Seventh UNCEEA Meeting
16 May 2012 to 18 May 2012 Melbourne, Australia Expert Meeting on Ecosystem Accounts
20 March 2012 to 22 March 2012 Beirut, Lebanon Workshop on Water Accounts and Statistics for Mediterranean Countries
12 March 2012 to 17 March 2012 Marseille, France 6th World Water Forum