Update of the SEEA Central Framework

The SEEA Central Framework was adopted by the United Nations Statistical Commission at its 43rd Session in 2012, as the first international statistical standard for environmental-economic accounting. Since then, there have been a number of new, emerging demands for integrated environmental and economic data in support of climate change, circular economy, biodiversity and other policies. There have also been updates to related statistical standards and classifications, such as the System of National Accounts. Thus, at its 55th Session in 2024, the United Nations Statistical Commission endorsed the proposed update of the SEEA Central Framework (Decision 55/109(a) of E/CN.3/2024/36).

The update of the SEEA Central framework is being carried out under the auspices of the United Nations Committee of Experts on Environmental-Economic Accounting (UNCEEA) and its Technical Committee on the SEEA Central Framework, in close collaboration with the London Group on Environmental Accounting and other expert groups.  A global consultation is currently being conducted with countries, international/regional organizations and broader user communities to collect feedback on the initial list of issues which was identified by the UNCEEA and the Technical Committee on the SEEA Central Framework. The feedback from the global consultation will contribute to the finalization of the list of issues for the update of the SEEA Central Framework which will be presented to the 56th session of the UNSC in 2025, along with a roadmap for the update. Visit the global consultation webpage here.

This page will be updated throughout the update of the SEEA CF.

Global consultation on initial list of issues

A global consultation on the initial list of issues for the update of the SEEA Central Framework began in July 2024 and concluded in late September 2024 Find out more here.