Latest SEEA news

Joint OECD/UNECE Seminar on the implementation of SEEA

12 April 2019
More than 70 experts from 33 countries, several international organisations and NGOs participated in the February meeting held in Geneva.

South African Natural Capital Accounting Assessment Now Available

11 April 2019
The national assessment report for advancing environmental-economic accounting in South Africa is now available.

Resource Corner, SEEA News & Notes: Issue 5

08 April 2019
Find the latest SEEA resources for the SEEA News & Notes, Issue 5, including the final version of SEEA-Energy, the State of the World's Biodiversity for Food and Agriculture and the Natural Capital Accounting for Mainstreaming Biodiversity in Public Policy report!

Launch of MAIA, a new EU Horizon 2020 project

05 April 2019
The MAIA project, a new EU Horizon 2020 project, recently started in late November 2019. Accounts are being piloted in ten participating countries -- Belgium, Bulgaria, the Czech Republic, France, Finland, Germany, Greece, Netherlands, Norway and Spain – and will include extent, condition, supply & use, asset and biodiversity accounts.

Expert Meeting Addresses the SEEA’s Role in the SDGs and Global Biodiversity Agenda

28 March 2019
In February, over 40 experts in natural capital accounting convened for workshop in Cambridge, England to discuss ways in which the SEEA can support the post-2020 biodiversity agenda and the meeting of SDG targets The meeting was jointly organized by the United Nations Statistics Division (UNSD) and the U

Towards Global SEEA Databases

28 March 2019
The UNCEEA has placed strong emphasis and priority on the development of global databases and has recently made significant progress on internationally comparable material flow accounts and air emission accounts.

SEEA at the 50th UN Statistical Commission

25 March 2019
At the 50th Session of the UN Statistical Commission, the Commission expressed strong appreciation for the UN Committee of Experts on Environmental-Economic Accounting's work and received positive feedback on variety of issues, including on the use of the SEEA for the SDGs and biodiversity.

Expert Meeting on Advancing the Measurement of Ecosystem Services for Ecosystem Accounting

22 March 2019
From 22-24 January 2019, a working group of approximately 20 ecosystem accounting experts from around the world gathered at UN Headquarters in New York to discuss the measurement of key ecosystem services.

Costa Rica Begins Process to Develop Environmental Accounts of Aquatic Resources

19 March 2019
Note: This article is cross-posted from Costa Rica's Ministry of Environment and Energy.  The original (in Spanish) can be found here.