Latest SEEA news

South Africa First Natural Capital Accounting Forum
28 July 2019
The nation's first-even national forum convened a wide range of actors to share exciting highlights from South Africa's new national land and ecosystem accounts.

An Interview with Juha Siikamaki, Chief Economist for the IUCN
19 July 2019
Juha Siikamaki discusses the valuation of ecosystem services in the context of the Experimental Ecosystem Accounting revision and efforts to protect biodiversity.

2019 Forum of Experts on SEEA Experimental Ecosystem Accounting
17 July 2019
The 2019 Forum of Experts on SEEA Experimental Ecosystem Accounting took place from 26 to 27 June 2019 in Glen Cove, New York.

Glen Cove Workshop Allows Project Teams from Five NCAVES Countries to Share Progress
17 July 2019
The SEEA EEA Forum of Experts provided an opportunity for project teams of the Natural Capital Accounting and Valuation of Ecosystem Services project to share experiences and lessons learnt.

Resource Corner, SEEA News & Notes: Issue 6
16 July 2019
Find the latest resources for the SEEA News & Notes, Issue 6, including energy accounts for Malaysia, the latest pilot accounts from the KIP INCA project, the European Environment Agency's report on NCA for policy, and more!

The 14th Meeting of the UNCEEA: the SEEA-EEA revision, SEEA case studies and more
11 July 2019
Experts from 29 countries and 15 international organizations and academia met at UN Headquarters in New York last month to discuss coordination and prioritization in the field of environmental-economic accounting.

Release of SEEA Data Structure Definitions
09 July 2019
Data Structure Definitions for the SEEA have been finalized and released, marking an important milestone in the development of global SEEA databases.

Natural Capital Accounting for Policymaking in Europe: The latest from the European Environment Agency
02 July 2019
To better understand whether the policy targets of the European Union's Biodiversity Strategy to 2020 and the Seventh Environmental Action Programme are being met, the European Environment Agency has published a report based on SEEA-EEA and SEEA CF accounts.

Launch of Landmark IPBES Report and the Role of Natural Capital Accounting
19 June 2019
Natural capital accounting was identified as one of the options and tools decision makers have for improving the sustainability of economic and financial systems in the IPBES Global Assessment Report on Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services.