Latest SEEA news

Update on the SEEA-EEA Revision, 2019 Q1
21 February 2019
Several developments have taken place since the last update on the SEEA Experimental Ecosystem Accounting revision, including the 2018 Forum of Experts in SEEA EEA, the drafting of discussion papers by over 40 experts, and more.

Endorsement of the European Strategy for Environmental Accounts 2019-2023
20 February 2019
Every five years since 2003, the European Union has articulated its strategy for further developing and promoting the use of SEEA accounts through the European Strategy for Environmental Accounts (ESEA).

Global Consultation on Global Economy Wide Material Flow Accounting Manual
01 February 2019
UNSD invites feedback and review from all stakeholders on the Global Economy Wide Material Flow Accounting Manual.

COP14: SEEA in Support of the Post-2020 Biodiversity Framework
19 December 2018
Natural capital accounting has a pivotal role to play in the post-2020 biodiversity framework. During the recent COP14, a side event on the SEEA was held to explore the role natural capital accounting and the SEEA can play in the post-2020 agenda.

Resource Corner, SEEA News & Notes: Issue 4
17 December 2018
Find the latest SEEA resources for the SEEA News & Notes, Issue 4, including the first ever SEEA accounts for India and coverage of the SEEA during October's Eye on Earth Symposium!

Third Natural Capital Accounting Policy Forum focuses on Climate Change and Biodiversity
07 December 2018
The applications of natural capital accounting (NCA) to biodiversity and climate change and the opportunity to build bridges between public and private sector NCA practitioners were the themes of Third Forum Decisions on Natural Capital Accounting for Better Policy held in Paris on 26-27 November.

Capturing the Picture of Biodiversity through the SEEA in Indonesia
07 December 2018
Sustainable ecological development is one of the main focuses of the Indonesian Government's national medium-term development. BPS – Statistics Indonesia, assists in this effort through the production of various SEEA accounts.
SEEA EEA Regional Training Held in Brazil for Latin America and the Caribbean
05 December 2018
As part of the NCA&VES project, a regional training workshop on the SEEA EEA was held for countries of Latin America and the Caribbean from 21 to 23 November 2018, in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil.

Environmental Statistics and Accounts in India
04 December 2018
India has released its first SEEA accounts. The accounts, developed in line with the Green National Accounts in India framework, are part of a long-term effort to reduce the impact of environmental degradation and protect and maintain the environment for present and future generations.