Release of SEEA Data Structure Definitions

To ensure the use of SEEA accounts in measuring progress towards the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development and its use in policy analyses, the UNCEEA has placed strong priority on the development of global databases. In particular, the UNCEEA has prioritized air emission, energy flow, economy-wide material flow and land accounts.
Last month, the SEEA Data Structure Definitions (DSDs) were finalized and released, marking an important milestone in the development of global databases. The SEEA DSDs were developed under the Ownership Group for SDMX implementation for macro-economic statistics (SDMX-MES OG), which mandated a technical sub-group to propose global Data Structure Definitions (DSDs) for the SEEA priority accounts. The sub-group, composed by representatives from Eurostat, OECD, UNSD, FAO, UNECE and UN Environment, finalized the DSDs in June 2019, and the DSDs are now available on the Statistical Data and Metadata eXchange (SDMX) Global Registry. The finalized DSDs will allow international organizations to exchange SEEA data between themselves as well as with countries for the five priority accounts.
To access the DSDs and find out more information on please visit the SDMX Global Registry page for the SEEA.