Resource Corner, SEEA News & Notes: Issue 6

SEEA-Energy E-Learning, now in Russian!
The UN Statistics Division has just rolled out its SEEA-Energy E-Learning course in Russian. This self-paced course is also available in English. All SEEA e-Learning, including courses in multiple languages on the Central Framework, Experimental Ecosystem Accounting and SEEA-Water, can be found on our e-Learning portal.
Did you know there are Wikipedia pages for SEEA?
In 2011, Statistics Sweden developed Wikipedia pages for the System of Integrated Environmental and Economic Accounting, Economy-wide material flow accounts and Environmental protection expenditure accounts, with funding from Eurostat. There is also a Wikipedia page for System of Environmental and Economic Accounting for Water. Check out these Wikipedia pages and help contribute to their on-going development.
Environmental accounts show how the economy affects the environment and natural resources
Statistics Sweden have released a short article describing how they have used the SEEA Central Framework to help provide answers to common questions about the environment and the economy. To assist in making these connections, Statistics Sweden have utilised the DPSIR (driving forces, pressures, states, impacts and responses) model.
KIP-INCA: Pilot Accounts for Crop and Timber Provision, Global Climate Regulation and Flood Control
The Joint Research Center (JRC), has published pilot accounts under the Knowledge and Innovation Project on an Integrated system of Natural Capital and ecosystem services Accounting in the EU (KIP INCA). The report uses innovative new methods to look at four ecosystem services--crop provision, timber provision, global climate regulation, and flood control.
Malaysia has pubicly released their first ever SEEA-Energy accounts. The report covers main findings, detailed statistical tables and technical aspects such as scope and coverage, to help users understand the accounts.
Natural Capital Accounting in Support of Policymaking in Europe
The need to conserve and enhance natural capital is an explicit policy target in the EU’s Biodiversity Strategy to 2020 and its Seventh Environment Action Programme. This new report from the European Environment Agency uses SEEA-Experimental Ecosystem Accounts as an evidence base for evaluating progress.