7th Joint OECED/UNECE Seminar on the implementation of the SEEA

The annual seminar on SEEA implementation took place fully online again this year, which and attracted more than 160 participants from diverse audience of statisticians and policy-makers from national and international institutions, NGOs, academia and private sector. The speakers and large audience participated in discussions on current practices in SEEA implementation in the UNECE and OECD regions. A diverse group of speakers told the stories of development of the SEEA in their countries and the policy uses driving the demand for investment in the accounts. Session topics included implementation of ecosystem accounts, new developments in related standards such as the SNA, and the circular economy. The seminar combines international sharing of methods and experience, and capacity building, with technical discussions that can contribute to further development of standards for SEEA accounting methodologies.
All presentations and background documents are available at https://unece.org/info/events/event/362755
Recordings of the seminar can be found on YouTube at https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLe6uBaBVebZDQy6k-bGM5jvqd_FLjqnHs