Latest SEEA news

The 18th Meeting of the UNCEEA
30 June 2023
On 21-22 June, more than 70 participants joined the 18th Meeting of the UN Committee of Experts on Environmental-Economic Accounting to discuss the overall direction and vision in the field of environmental-economic accounting and supporting statistics.

Using the SEEA in support of climate change policies in Asia and the Pacific
16 June 2023
In April 2023, the UN Statistics Division and UN Statistical Institute for Asia and the Pacific, with support of the Government of Japan, held a regional training workshop in Chiba on using the SEEA in support of climate chagne policy.

Regional Training Workshop on the SEEA EA for Asia and the Pacific
16 June 2023
On 5-8 June 2023, UNSD and the UN Statistical Institute for Asia and the Pacific (UNSIAP), with the support of the Philippine Statistics Authority, held the Regional Training Workshop on the SEEA Ecosystem Accounting for Asia and the Pacific in Manila.

Resource corner, Issue 21
17 April 2023
Find the latest articles and publications on the SEEA through the Resource Corner of Issue 21 of the SEEA News and Notes.

Advancing Natural Capital Accounting in Ethiopia
14 April 2023
From 3 to 7 April, the Statistics Division of the United Nations, in collaboration with the Global Program for Sustainability of the World Bank, conducted a technical assistance mission in Ethiopia to advance the Natural Capital Accounting (NCA) programme in the country.

Beyond GDP: the SEEA contributions as a statistical framework
12 April 2023
Statistical Measures Beyond GDP was the topic of this year High-level Forum on Official Statistics, organized every year at the margins of the UN Statistical Commission.

Enhancing capacity for SEEA Ecosystem Accounting in the Maldives
11 April 2023
The Government of the Republic of Maldives recently began developing natural capital accounts through pilot testing of the SEEA Ecosystem Accounting (SEEA EA) framework in Laamu Atoll, an ecologically sensitive and economically important area in southern Maldives.

Water accounting sets the stage at the UN Water Conference 2023
07 April 2023
Nearly 150 people from a wide array of institutions from over 40 countries took part in a special event of the 2023 Water Conference on Water Accounting for the Sustainable Development Goals.

Eighth Joint OECD/UNECE Seminar on the Implementation of the SEEA
06 April 2023
The 8th Joint OECD/UNECE Seminar on the Implementation of SEEA was held at the Palais des Nations in Geneva, Switzerland, from 13-15 March 2023. English-Russian interpretation was provided.