Latest SEEA news

Looking Forward to the UNSC
27 November 2018
From 5-8 March 2019, Chief Statisticians from around the world will gather at the UN Headquarters in New York City for the annual United Nations Statistical Commission (UNSC). Next year’s UNSC will be a milestone—its fiftieth session—and the fourteenth session where the UN Committee of Experts on Environmental-Economic Accounting (UNCEEA) has reported to the Commission.

Webinar on Valuation for Ecosystem Accounting: An Introduction to Key Aspects
15 November 2018
Valuation of ecosystem services and ecosystem assets in monetary terms is a common area of contention in environmental measurement and accounting. To discuss this issue and angage with a broader community, the SEEA EEA Technical Committee and UNSD hosted a webinar for members of the UNCEEA and the Advisory Expert Group on National Accounts.

London Group Holds 24th Meeting in Dublin, Ireland
12 November 2018
From 1-4 October, environmental accountants, national accountants, ecologists and private sector representatives gathered in Dublin, Ireland for the 24th Meeting of the London Group. Participants spent three-and-a-half days discussing methodological advances of the SEEA, implementation of the accounts, policy applications and communication of the accounts.

2nd World Forum on Ecosystem Governance Addresses Management of Natural Capital
12 November 2018
Nearly 300 participants attended the 2nd World Forum on Ecosystem Governance held in China from 5-7 November 2018. The forum addressed key topics related to the sustainable management of natural resources and ecosystem services, including ecosystem accounting and the SEEA-Experimental Ecosystem Accounting.

Supporting SEEA Accounts a Priority in Latest GEF Investment Cycle
26 September 2018
The Global Environmental Facility (GEF), the world’s largest single source of environmental finance, has included natural capital and environmental accounting as one of its priorities in its latest round of investments, known as GEF-7. This widens the scope and furthers the potential for enhancing SEEA accounts around the world.

SEEA Being Used to Respond to Policy Needs in New Zealand
24 September 2018
Stats NZ has recently taken up the task of restarting compilation of its environmental-economic accounts. These accounts show levels and trends in the stocks and flows of natural capital, greenhouse gas emissions from economic activity and the economic activities being undertaken to protect the environment.

SEEA Developments in Asia and the Pacific
24 September 2018
With the advent of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development, the need for coherent, policy-relevant environmental information has taken on a new momentum. To meet this challenge, ESCAP has undertaken several engagements and projects on the SEEA, from the Philippines to Pakistan and beyond.

Ocean Accounts Partnership Holds First Meeting
24 September 2018
From 1-3 August, 2018, ESCAP convened the first Asia and the Pacific Expert Workshop on Ocean Accounts, which served as the inaugural activity for the Ocean Accounts Partnership, a collective effort to strengthen evidence and governance to achieve SDG14. Participants included 85 experts from national governments, research institutes, and international and regional organizations.

Ecosystem Accounting and Ecological Civilization in China
20 September 2018
Under President Xi Jingping's vision for a sustainable symbiotic relationship between nature and human society, China has embarked on several programmes. The EU-funded National Capital Accounting and Valuation of Ecosystem Services Project, which is working towards implementing ecosystem accounting in China, is part of China's broad commitment to sustainable economic growth.