Beyond GDP - High Level Virtual Webinar from the series Road to the 55th UN Statistical Commission
This high-level virtual webinar is organized as part of a webinar series in In the lead up to the 55th session of the United Nations Statistical Commission, . The virtual webinar will focus on the initiative Beyond GDP. The UN Secretary-Gneral policy brief on Beyond GDP calls for a solid framing of measures of progress beyond GDP, i.e. a conceptual and policy framing of a future value dashboard. Six elements are suggested to be at the core of the framing exercise, namely: wellbeing and agency, respect for life and the planet, reduced inequality and greater solidarity, participatory governance and stronger institutions, innovative and ethical economies, and resilience. The policy brief also emphasizes that the future dashboard will rely on existing global and national official statistics, in particular the System of National Accounts (SNA), its satellite accounts and the System of Environmental-Economic Accounting (SEEA), as well as social and demographic statistics, while exploring indicator initiatives like the Multidimensional Vulnerability Index (MVI) and new data sources and technologies, including non-official data. The webinar will provide an opportunity for the statistical community to better understand the UN processes related to Beyond GDP. The webinar offers a platform for the statistical community to reflect and deliberate on its potential contributions to the process as outlined in the objectives and expected outcomes. For more information visit the webinar page at https://unstats.un.org/UNSDWebsite/events-details/un55sc-17012024-M-beyo....
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