Latest SEEA news

SEEA Being Used to Respond to Policy Needs in New Zealand

24 September 2018
Stats NZ has recently taken up the task of restarting compilation of its environmental-economic accounts. These accounts show levels and trends in the stocks and flows of natural capital, greenhouse gas emissions from economic activity and the economic activities being undertaken to protect the environment. 

SEEA Developments in Asia and the Pacific

24 September 2018
With the advent of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development, the need for coherent, policy-relevant environmental information has taken on a new momentum. To meet this challenge, ESCAP has undertaken several engagements and projects on the SEEA, from the Philippines to Pakistan and beyond.

Ocean Accounts Partnership Holds First Meeting

24 September 2018
From 1-3 August, 2018, ESCAP convened the first Asia and the Pacific Expert Workshop on Ocean Accounts, which served as the inaugural activity for the Ocean Accounts Partnership, a collective effort to strengthen evidence and governance to achieve SDG14. Participants included 85 experts from national governments, research institutes, and international and regional organizations.

Ecosystem Accounting and Ecological Civilization in China

20 September 2018
Under President Xi Jingping's vision for a sustainable symbiotic relationship between nature and human society, China has embarked on several programmes. The EU-funded National Capital Accounting and Valuation of Ecosystem Services Project, which is working towards implementing ecosystem accounting in China, is part of China's broad commitment to sustainable economic growth.

Resource Corner, SEEA News & Notes: Issue 3

19 September 2018
Find the latest SEEA resources for the SEEA News & Notes, Issue 3, including outcome papers for the SEEA Central Framework, Indonesia's experimental energy flows and more!

UK Air Pollution Removal: SEEA Accounts Show £1 billion Avoided in Health Damage Costs

18 September 2018
The U.K. Office of National Statistics recently published a report on the monetary valuation of vegetation surrounding it's urban and rural areas in removing harmful pollution and in turn reducing the healthcare related costs based on SEEA accounts, in the context of the their SEEA EEA programming.

The 13th Meeting of the UNCEEA: The Growing Role of SEEA in Meeting Critical Policy Challenges

18 September 2018
The 13th Meeting of UN Committee of Experts on Environmental-Economic Accounting (UNCEEA), was held in New York and attended by over 50 experts from 25 member states and 14 international organizations. 

Online course on SEEA EEA for Countries of Latin America and the Caribbean 2018

17 September 2018
As part of the Regional Training Programme on the SEEA Experimental Ecosystem Accounting for Countries of Latin America and the Caribbean, the SEEA will conduct an online course between September and November of 2018, to share with the participants  a common level of technical knowledge on the SEEA EEA.

SDG 6 Indicators Bring Together Ecosystem Accounting and Earth Observation Communities

23 August 2018
UN Environment and Earth observation community produce land satellite images of approximately three quadrillion pixels for SDG 6.