SEEA Ecosystem Accounting: white cover publication in now available

The final white cover version of the System of Environmental-Economic Accounting—Ecosystem Accounting (SEEA EA) and its three online supplemental materials are now published in the SEEA website. This version will be submitted to official UN editing and copy preparation and will be published in early 2022.
This version reflects the recommendations of the UN Statistical Commission. It includes a SEEALand stylized example in the Annex and three online supplemental materials in Excel further elaborating the stylized example, ecosystem services logic chains and ecosystem services reference list crosswalk with other classifications or lists. As recommended by the Commission, the work will now focus on scaling up the implementation in countries. In turn, country experiences will inform the research agenda that accompanies the SEEA EA.
The SEEA team at UNSD is grateful to all members of the Committee of Experts on Environmental Economic Accounting (UNCEEA) and experts around the world for their active contribution and participation in the SEEA EA revision process In particular, we would like to thank Bert Kroese, Deputy Director General of Statistics Netherlands and Chair of the UNCEEA for his leadership throughout the revision process, Anton Steurer (Head of Unit on Environment statistics and accounts, sustainable development, Eurostat ) for leading the Technical Committee on the SEEA Ecosystem Accounting and Carl Obst, Editor of the SEEA EA, for bringing together the different contributions and many discussion into a coherent document.
The SEEA EA would not have been possible without the contribution and expertise of all of you. The work is not finished. It is actually just starting! We look forward to continuing collaboration in the coming years on this important endeavor.
To access more information on the SEEA EA visit the dedicated webpage for Ecosystem Accounting.