Fifth Global Dialogue on Sustainable Ocean Development

At the Fifth Global Dialogue on Sustainable Ocean Development, over 600 participants from more than 60 countries gathered to share knowledge, collaborate and strengthen partnerships to advance the sustainable development of our oceans. Amongst attendees were Ministers and Ministerial representatives from Indonesia, Samoa, Fiji, Palau, Belize, Papua New Guinea, Australia and Maldives, highlighting the commitment these countries have to the sustainable management and development of their ocean economy.
Over five days, the Global Dialogue brought together government representatives, community representatives, technical practitioners, senior decision makers and researchers to build a global community of practice for ocean accounting.
Ocean accounts organise social, economic, and environmental data in a coherent and standardised manner so public and private decision-makers have an evidence base that goes “beyond GDP” to underpin policy, management and investment decisions. With events highlighting how ocean accounts can support policy decisions, climate change mitigation, reporting for international environmental agreements, blue finance and many sustainable ocean management strategies (including sustainable ocean plans and marine protected areas), ocean accounts were recognised as the basis for supporting the transition to a sustainable ocean economy.
The event began with two days of technical training, including interactive workshops and presentations from experts, followed by three days of the core event, featuring panels, roundtables and side events intended to accelerate international collaboration and knowledge exchange. Attendees gained valuable knowledge and skills to help their communities and institutionies go "beyond GDP" and effectively measure and manage progress toward a sustainable ocean future.
Highlights- Training sessions Over 260 people attended the first two days of training where highlights included:
The progress made in Bali has set the momentum as we work together towards the 2025 United Nations Ocean Conference in Nice and beyond.
This event was hosted by the Ministry of Marine Affairs and Fisheries - Republic of Indonesia with the generous support of the UK Blue Planet Fund. The event was organised by the GOAP Secretariat, hosted by the UNSW Centre for Sustainable Development Reform, with operational support from Rekam Nusantara Foundation and Indonesia Nature Film Society.
Reports and other knowledge products launched at the Global Dialogue on Sustainable Ocean Development can be found in the Resource Corner of SEEA News and Notes, Issue 26.
Article contributed by the GOAP Secretariat