Webinar on Data Collection for Physical Energy Flow and Air Emission Accounts
The United Nations Statistics Division (UNSD) will begin data collection for Physical Energy Flow Accounts (PEFA) and Air Emission Accounts (AEA) for the first time in 2023. This webinar, organized by UNSD and OECD, will review the scope of the questionnaires, how to fill in the questionnaires, the timeline for data collection and more. The webinar will take place on 2 March at 9:30 AM, New York time. The webinar will also be recorded and made available online for those who are not able to join.
This data collection is meant for countries which already compile PEFA or AEA accounts, and UNSD’s data collection will complement existing PEFA and AEA data collection efforts by Eurostat for European Union (EU) countries and the soon to be launched data collection of the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD) for non-EU OECD countries.
The questionnaires, developed under the auspices of the UNCEEA, are fully consistent with the SEEA and were developed on the basis of existing Eurostat PEFA and AEA questionnaires but tailored to fit the circumstances of countries with different levels of data availability. In particular, each questionnaire contains three different templates which correspond to different levels of data disaggregation. The templates were tested with a number of different countries to ensure that they are fit for purpose.
The templates can be downloaded here.
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