UNECE Expert Forum for Producers and Users of Climate Change-Related Statistics
The UNECE Expert Forum for Producers and Users of Climate Change-Related Statistics will take place as an online meeting from 31 August to 3 September 2021, in English and Russian with simultaneous interpretation.
The UNECE Expert Fora for Producers and Users of Climate Change-Related Statistics have been organized annually since 2014 to serve as a platform for collaboration, sharing ideas and experience, discussing concepts and measurement issues, and identifying areas for development of practical guidance. The Expert Fora provide a link between producers and users of climate information and follow up on the Conference of European Statisticians’ Recommendations on Climate Change-Related Statistics endorsed in 2014 by more than 60 countries and international organizations.
The 2021 Expert Forum for Producers and Users of Climate Change-Related Statistics will aim to:
- Facilitate sharing of knowledge and experience on developing new change-related statistics and improving usefulness of the existing data.
- Support implementation of the CES Recommendations on Climate Change-Related Statistics (2014) and the CES Set of Core Climate Change-related Indicators and Statistics Using the System of Environmental-Economic Accounting (2020).
- Inform about related developments like Paris Agreement data needs, SDG indicators and the UNSD global set of climate change indicators.
- Show good practices in producing, disseminating and using climate change-related statistics.
- Identify priorities for future work.
All countries and organizations are invited to contribute their experience on the topics of the meeting (see concept note) in the form of presentations (in English or Russian) and/or papers. Please communicate your interest to contribute to the secretariat (cwiek@un.org) by 21 May, describing in 2-3 sentences the planned content of your contribution.
The timetable and all other documents related to the meeting will be posted on the meeting website: https://unece.org/statistics/events/expert-forum-producers-and-users-climate-change-related-statistics-3. Online registration is also open on the meeting webpage. Participants are kindly asked to register by 15 August 2021. More information on the event can be found in the concept note.
Event date and registration
31 August to 3 September, online
Register for the forum here.