Measuring Material Flows in the SDGs
This course, being run by SIAP, introduces concepts relevant to compiling economy wide material flow accounts (EW-MFA); it also covers the methodologies for the SDG indicators 8.4.1/12.2/1 and 8.4.2/12.2.2. EW-MFA represents a framework for describing the interaction of a domestic economy with the natural environment and the economy of the rest of the world in terms of flows of materials, waste and emissions.
Target participants are officials in national statistical offices, line ministries (especially ministries in charge of environment) and other institutions who are working on material flow-based indicators. The course can also be useful to a wider audience interested in learning more about material flows.
SIAP invites nominees for this course. The nomination form is at the following link.
The deadline for receipt of nominations is 2 March 2022.