London Group on Environmental Accounting, 26th Meeting
The London Group on Environmental Accounting is a city group created in 1993 to allow practitioners to share their experience of developing and implementing environmental accounts. Members of this informal group of experts come primarily from national statistical agencies but also international organizations. The London Group generally meets annually, and the meetings provide a forum for review, comparison and discussion of work underway by participants towards development of environmental accounts.
In light of the global pandemic, the Twenty-sixth Meeting of the London Group will be held virtually on 5-8 and 12 October 2020 from 14:00 - 17:00 CEST (8:00 - 11:00 EST) every day.
Meeting documents
Day 1: SEEA Central Framework Research Agenda
- Testing a method of statistics on fossil fuel transactions from the SEEA: Paper and presentation
- Classification of environmental activities: Paper and presentation
- SNA and SEEA issues: Paper and presentation
Day 2: SEEA Implementation and Applications
- Treatment of imiports and exports in the SEEA Central Framework: Paper and presentation
- The OECD on CO2 emissions from air transport: Paper and presentation
- Moving forward with environmentally extended input-output analysis: Paper and presentation
- Drivers of Australia's pollutant emissions, 1999 to 2019: Paper and presentation
- Environmental activity accounts: Implementation challenges for classifying and measuring environmental activity in the U.S. economy: Paper and presentation
- Recycling data for indicators to measure circular economy: Presentation
Day 3: SEEA Implementation and Applications, continued
- The difference between land cover and ecosystem extent and condition accounts: Paper and presentation
- Building the SEEA puzzle in Europe-accounting for 10 flows supplied by nature to the economy and society: Paper and presentation
- Natural capital accounting activities in Eastern Afghanistan- a FAO-GEF pilot assessment for Khost, Laghman, Nuristan provinces: Paper and presentation
- A proposal for going beyond valuation in sight of the UNSC discussion on the SEEA E(?)EA: Presentation
- Integrated accounting for biodiversity and key economic sectors in Uganda: Paper and presentation
- Implementation of the SEEA- helping NSOs break through data silos: Paper and presentation
- Land and terrestrial ecosystem accounts in South Africa- Exploring the ecosystem extent index and ecosystem condition index: Paper and presentation
Day 4: SEEA Experimental Ecosystem Accounting implementation and applications
- Chance for better policy- Grassland ecosystem account provides a missing link between the owners of ecosystems and services provided: Paper and presentation
- Linking ecosystem services and benefits to the economy through bridging- two applications from combined presentations to general equilibrium modelling: Paper and presentation
- Ecosystem accounts in Mexico-the NCAVES project: Paper and presentation
- State of Play of the SEEA EEA revision: Presentation
- Testing ecosystem type classifications for SEEA EEA: Paper
- Proposal of how to estimate the discount rate for future ecosystem services: Paper and presentation
- Two languages or two narratives: Paper and presentation
Day 5: SEEA Experimental Ecosystem Accounting revision and experiences with implementation
- Implementation experiences in Latin America: Presentation
- Implementation experiences in Africa: Presentation
- Implementation experiences in Asia and the Pacific: Presentation
- Initiatives for implementation at the global level: Presentation
- Implementation experiences in Western Asia: Presentation
- Experiences of the ENI SEIS II East project: Paper and presentation
- Implementation experiences in the European Union: Paper and presentation
Event Date
Monday, 05 October 2020 - 8:00am to Monday, 12 October 2020 - 11:00am