High-level launch of the project on environmental-economic accounting for evidence-based policy in Senegal
The high-level launch of the project "Environmental-Economic Accounting for Evidence-Based Policy in Senegal" which is a collaborative effort between the National Agency of Statistics and Demography of Senegal (ANSD) and the United Nations Statistics Division (UNSD).
This project aims to remove technical and institutional barriers to the compilation of natural capital accounts at the national level. In particular, the project will address the implementation of the System of Environmental-Economic Accounts (SEEA) in Senegal using a flexible and modular approach. In particular, the project will focus on developing a national plan for advancing environmental-economic accounting, compiling one or two SEEA accounts, and conduct training activities.
Implementation of the SEEA is truly a multi-stakeholder approach and requires the cooperation of many partners and national structures. Hence, this high-level launch aimed to ensure ownership of the project by various stakeholders and invite them to participate in the national technical committee that will be formed for the implementation of the SEEA in Senegal.