Water Accounts for Samoa, 2016 -17

Document Summary:
The 2016-17, Samoa Water Account provides information on the Physical Supply and Use of water in Samoa’s economy. The water accounts are compiled using the UN System of Environmental Economic Accounting (SEEA) Central Framework. Furthermore, the physical supply (abstraction) and use tables present aggregates of all the available physical data in Megalitres (ML)1 in terms of the supply and use of water in Samoa’s economy, including households.
The flow diagram is a simplified representation of the Physical Supply and Use Tables (PSUTS) for the SEEA Central Framework. The diagram highlights the flow of water abstracted from the environment into the economy, its uses within the economy and the flows of water back into the environment. During the financial year 2016-17, a total of 82,530 ML of water was abstracted from the environment to use in Samoa’s economy. 34% or 28,164 ML of this amount was abstracted by the water supply industry mainly for distribution to households and industries.
The Electricity industry abstracted a total of 61% or 50,180 ML from the environment for hydro power generation. The remaining 5% or 4,186 ML was self-abstraction for own use by industries and households.
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