Water Account, Mauritius 2019-2020

Document Summary:
This report on Water Accounts shows the stock and flow of water in physical terms between the
environment and the different sectors of the economy for the Island of Mauritius for years 2019-2020.. The accounts include rainfall, water abstractions (i.e. withdrawals from reservoirs, rivers and boreholes), water uses, and wastewater, among others.
Other indicators on water covering the period 2011 to 2020 are also reported.
The Water Accounts are based on the UN System of Environment-Economic Accounting of Water
(SEEA-Water) and the International Recommendation for Water Statistics (IRWS).
Data produced by the Water Resources Unit of the Ministry of Energy and Public Utilities, the Central
Water Authority and Waste Management Authority and some other organisations were used to
prepare the Water Account.
The report, together with other publications released by Statistics Mauritius, is available on the
website https://statsmauritius.govmu.org.
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