Producing land cover change maps and statistics: Guide on advanced use of QGIS and R Studio

Document Summary:
This guide shows how to produce land cover change maps and statistical tables using open-source software Quantum Geographic Information System (QGIS) and code in RStudio.
The land cover change guide released in OCTOBER 2020 by ESCAP – Producing land cover change maps and statistics: Step by step guide on the use of QGIS and RStudio shows the user how to produce maps and statistical tables of land cover changes over a time interval. The current guide shows the user how to generate the same maps and tables using more powerful RStudio scripts. You do not need to go through the earlier released guide before taking on the present guide. You may wish to preview that guide to see how maps can be produced using QGIS.
Maps and statistical tables are generated in accordance with the land cover categories of the System of Environmental-Economic Accounting (SEEA).
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