Previous Global Assessments

Previous Global Assessments on Environmental-Economic Accounting
Global Assessment of Environment Statistics and Environmental-Economic Accounting 2017
According to the 2017 Global Assessment, 69 countries had programmes on environmental-economic accounting, corresponding to a 28 per cent increase in the number of countries with a programme compared to the 2014 Global Assessment. The percentage increase in the number of developing countries implementing the SEEA was even higher, with nearly a 39 per cent increase between 2014 and 2017. In addition to the 69 countries implementing the SEEA, 22 countries indicated they were planning to compile the SEEA.
Global Assessment of Environment Statistics and Environmental-Economic Accounting 2014
The 2014 Global Assessment followed the adoption of the System of Environmental Economic Accounting 2012 Central Framework (SEEA Central Framework). Out of 192 Member States, eighty-five countries responded to the Assessment. The Assessment indicated that environmental-economic accounting programmes are established and expanding components of national statistics programmes. Almost 64 per cent of responding countries had programmes on environmental-economic accounts (54 countries), while 18 per cent of respondents (15 countries) were planning to start the compilation of accounts for the first time.
Global Assessment of Environment Statistics and Environmental-Economic Accounting 2006
The first Global Assessment was carried out in 2006. Out of 192 UN Member States, around 100 countries responded to the Assessment. Considering that environmental-economic accounting was a relatively new area of statistics, it was noteworthy that 49 of the 99 countries that responded to the assessment had an environmental-economic accounting programme. In addition, 20 countries which were not compiling environmental-economic accounts at the time indicated that they are planning to start with their compilation in the near future. Further, it was found that water and energy accounts were among the modules most commonly compiled and identified as priority regions for further expansion in developing regions.
Thematic Global Assessments
Global Assessment of Energy Accounts 2008
A report on the results of the Global Assessment of Energy Accounts was prepared for the 40th session of the United Nations Statistical Commission. The 2008 Global Assessment of Energy Accounts was carried out to obtain an in-depth understanding of country practices in the compilation of energy accounts along with assisting with the development of targeted technical cooperation activities in this area. Twenty out of 38 responding countries indicated that they were compiling at least one type of energy account.
Global Assessment of Water Statistics and Water Accounts 2008
Prepared for the 40th session of the United Nations Statistical Commission, the 2008 Global Assessment of Water Statistics and Accounts was administered to understand country practices in the compilation of water statistics and accounts along with the use of the System of Environmental-Economic Accounting for Water. The Assessment showed that between 2006 and 2008, the number of countries compiling water accounts increased by 50 per cent, from 22 to 33 countries.